Local Racing Rules
1. Racing Rules of U.S. SAILING and all respective classes shall be used except as specified below.
2. Starting signal for one class is Preparatory signal for next class, and the order of start is governed by class insignia displayed by the Race Committee. Unpaid member boats will be called off the course. If not called off the course, said yacht shall not be scored. Visiting skippers are entitled to two free races.
3. Starting and finishing line is an imaginary straight line from Buoy S to starting signal and all yachts starting and finishing must pass between Buoy S and 6
4. Boats shall stay clear of the starting line area until the preparatory for your class. Violators will be subject to protest and disqualification.
5. During a race no yacht may cross the Start-Finish line except when starting or finishing. Violators of this rule must “unwind” themselves and pass to the outside of the Start-Finish line or the Race Committee without protest or hearing will immediately disqualify them.
6. After finishing, do not recross the Start-Finish line by any means without the express permission of the Race Committee.
7. Violation of this rule will result in immediate disqualification by the Race Committee. This rule is in effect until all boats in all classes have finished.
8. Leave all buoys on the same side as buoy S at outer end of Starting Line, except for the rounding of buoy 3 and the West Course.
9. Turning marks are orange cylinders, cones or balls.
10. Protest Committee may disqualify for any violation of Rules or Instructions.
11. The Committee requires strict observance of Rule 24 – i.e., proper number of life preservers on each yacht.
12. A yacht may be towed , paddled, or motor to reach the proximity of the Starting Line even after its Preparatory or Starting signal; but must then subsequently be headed directly away from the line or its prolongation prior to starting.
13. All yachts are to keep clear of swimming area at all times.
14. Violation of any local rules may result in disqualification by protest.
15. All protests will be made and filed in accordance with U.S. SAILING Rules within two hours of the protesting yacht’s finish.
16. IYRU Junior sailor is defined as 18 years or younger by 12-31 of the current sailing year.
17. Payment of dues entitles skipper to sail in as many classes as skipper chooses.
18. After a general recall, the fleet will go to the end of the sequence.
19. The race committee has the right to make a double race day on any single if a make-up day is needed. Club members will be notified no later than Thursday before the race.
20. The Sunday of the last day of a series is the end of that particular series. No make-up races can be added to that series after that Sunday.
21. Whenever possible, Saturday races will be held on Saturday, Sunday races will be held on Sunday.
Final decision is at the discretion of the race committee.
22. The Race Committee will communicate to sailors on the water via Marine Band Channel 10. Everyone is encouraged to have a radio on board.
US Sailing
US Sailing is the official governing body for sailboat racing in the US. They provide training, educations and development for beginning sailors through Olympic contenders.
Among the many useful US Sailing has publications is the Racing Rules for Sailing 2017 - 2020. These are the rules we us to govern all AYS sanctioned races. Click the button below to learn more about US Sailing and to get your own copy of the Racing Rules for Sailing.